Best Foreign Language Classes Near You.

“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” ― B.B. King

Learning Lingos is the brainchild of American-born Indian Ms. Eshleen Jolly, who co-founded the company with her partner, Mr. Damanjeet Singh Jolly.

About Us

Our primary objective in establishing this company was to recognize the significance of foreign language education, particularly at a young age, in fostering overall development. We offer courses tailored to individuals of all age groups, starting as young as 24 months.

Learning a foreign language is crucial for leveraging our potential in an increasingly globalized world. With this in mind, our courses are designed to make learning enjoyable. Our Learning Management system is user-friendly and provides a wide range of learning materials.

We have a team of native and certified instructors who will gently guide you into a world of new cultures and languages. Our ultimate goal is to make education in a foreign language a common practice throughout India.

Our Mission

Our mission is to equip students with the skillset necessary to incorporate a foreign language into their lives, giving them a competitive edge on the global stage.

Our objective is to empower students with the tools to seamlessly integrate a foreign language into their daily routines, ultimately leading to greater cultural awareness and expanded opportunities in both the academic and professional realms.

Language acquisition is critical to a well-rounded education, so we want our students to be encouraging and passionate about language learning. We are committed to ensuring that all of our students have the vital resources and support they need to achieve fluency in a foreign language. This will eventually give them an advantage in international career opportunities in this fast-paced world.

Our Foreign Language Programs

Our Founder

Learning lingos founder

Eshleen Jolly

Learning Lingos co-founder

Daman Jolly

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