Hearing your infant talking multiple language sounds charming and makes your chest swell with delight however there are a number of different blessings on your baby aside from them being extraordinarily confident. Bilingual youngsters examine quicker and simpler, have stepped forward problem-fixing abilities and creativity, and feature extra profession possibilities in adulthood. They additionally discover it simpler to hook up with different cultures which makes them extra open-minded and tolerant of diversity, and they’re much less probable to revel in age-associated intellectual infection as they attain vintage age.

A child’s brain structure facilitates second language-learning

According to Scientists, a child’s brain acts like a sponge. It absorbs almost everything that happens around them unconsciously. DR. Paul Thompson, a neurology professor at UCLA, and his team found that the brain systems specialized in learning new languages grow rapidly from around six years old until puberty. A child is also curious and learning a new language stimulates the same and makes them receptive to learning various things in different areas.

Children have less to learn than adults

Another one of the benefits of learning a second language at an early age is that children think more simply than adults. They use fewer words, simpler sentence structures, and think less abstractly. Children who are learning a second language are not overwhelmed by the task of communicating their abstract thoughts and feelings in their second language because they simply don’t have any. Then, as these children develop into adults, they learn to express themselves in both their native and second languages.

Learning a second language means a constant mental workout

Bilinguals are constantly experiencing a mental workout as they sort through more than one language system to communicate. In the 20th century, researchers and educators discouraged second language learning. A second language was thought to interfere with children’s intellectual and cognitive development. While there is evidence that bilingual children do experience this interference of language systems, it turns out that the internal conflict.

Learning a second language fosters creative thinking

A boost in creativity is another one of the benefits of learning a second language at an early age. Various studies have proven it. One of the most used creativity tests is called the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) created by Ellis Paul Torrance in 1962. These tests are designed to measure “divergent thinking” or thinking outside the norm, thinking creatively. They measure participants’ divergent thinking in four areas: fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. It is noticed bilingual children score higher on the TTCT.

Start Early, Stay Long!
The length of time a student can devote to learning a language has a direct and positive correlation to cognitive development. Longer sequences also provide the opportunity for learners to grow alongside the additional language and culture, developing a deeper connection as they mature.

Nurture Their Curiosity, Cultural Sensitivity, Empathy, and Tolerance

Children who are exposed early to other languages display more positive attitudes toward the cultures associated with those languages. The experience of learning a language introduces them to the world in ways they might otherwise have not experienced.

Better and more advanced reading skills

A study undertaken by York University in Canada suggests that the knowledge of bilingual children of a second language gives them an advantage in learning to read. “Our research shows that it doesn’t matter what the other language is – all bilingual children have an equal advantage over monolinguals in terms of non-verbal cognitive control,” says study co-author Ellen Bialystok, Distinguished Research Professor in York’s Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health.

It is clear that learning a second language will bring many benefits to children in terms of improving communication skills, cognitive development and cultural cognition. It’s never too early to start your child on a second language learning journey, so let’s start with us today!

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